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Online Courses
Do you feel that you want to have more influence, impact and a better balance in your personal and professional life, but not quite sure where to start? You might put it off to another day but that day never arrives?
These affordable online course might just be a good starter for you. They are packed with useful information and hands-on self paced learning to help you get more clarity and start your journey.
Find Your Voice

This course will help you create your unique personal brand from your skills, knowledge, experience, values and sense of purpose. It will also show you how to bring your voice to your audience and build a thought leadership that has influence and impact.
Mandala Painting

If you are going through an intense period of growth but unsure what to do next, or that a lack of direction is holding you back. Then painting a Mandala is a wonderful way to activate your inner wisdom, and accessing your voice.
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